
Musings and ramblings of a digital agency.

Posts Tagged ‘Email’

5 Statistics That Prove Preference Centres are Essential for Email Success 

Everyone has their preferences. Some people prefer smooth peanut butter over crunchy. Some prefer red wine over white. And some even prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate.

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Skimmable Content: 4 Simple Solutions to Make Blog & Email Content Skimmable in 2020

Admit it, you probably skim-read that headline. If not, there’s a good chance you’ll start skim-reading this intro. Because, let’s be honest, you clicked on this article for a reason, and you don’t want to wade through 2,000 words to find that one nugget of wisdom (there’s more than one, I promise).

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By On February 21 2020 Email Marketing With No Comments Permalink

2020 Email Benchmark Analysis: 4 Key Takeaways

As technologies continue to advance, it may feel like email marketing is in a state of constant flux. In reality, the more things change, the more they stay the same. No matter how fancy AI becomes, how accurate your predictive text is, or how far personalisation advances, email marketers are still likely to be debating tried and true factors like send time, open rates, and subject lines. 

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By On January 31 2020 Email Marketing With No Comments Permalink

4 Things We Learned From Clean Out Your Inbox Week

Quick, how many unopened emails do you have in your inbox right now? 100? 1,000? More? Are you only counting unopened work emails, or personal emails too? If you’re anything like the average person, the answer is probably ‘too many’. 

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