Glen Jacobs, Ross Miller and Nikki Rumney, three inspiring individuals, have found their paradise in Tropical North Queensland…
Check out their stories in the awesome This is my Paradise campaign!
This is my Paradise is an innovative campaign from Tourism Tropical North Queensland and Tourism and Events Queensland in partnership with Sapient Nitro and XCOM.
The creative gurus at Sapient Nitro have designed a campaign that captures the hidden secrets of Tropical North Queensland through the eyes of these three passionate locals with remarkable stories!
XCOM have built the appealing and responsive microsite to tell the unique stories of a father daughter duo passionate about the dwarf minke whales, exploring the region’s vast underwater landscapes through free diving; the global pioneer of trail mountain biking and a second generation adventure seeker who splits his time between the sea and the sky.
Through authentic experiences, This is my Paradise encourages visitors to explore the rich diversity and breathtaking landscapes of the region, offering the chance to win an all expenses paid 3 night Tropical North Queensland Holiday, to follow in the footsteps of their favourite adventurer.
Visitors can also share their own experiences of paradise by uploading photos of Tropical North Queensland to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using #ThisIsMyParadise.
See it for yourself!
Visit www.exploretnq.com.au to choose the local story you love the most.
By sharing the This is my Paradise competition on Facebook, individuals will also be eligible to win one of 8 x $100 Anaconda store vouchers. Prize winners will be announced on Tourism Tropical North Queensland’s Facebook page weekly.
Full competition terms and conditions available at www.exploretnq.com.au