Darren Sutton Managing partner and Digital Strategy Lead, was part of an invited expert panel with other leading email vendors – Responsys, Exact Target and Apparent on the first day of ad:tech in Sydney. The session was a compelling and detailed conversation on the current and future use of email marketing strategies.
Some attendees claimed it was one of the best sessions of the whole ad:tech event.
The panel discussion moved through various topics including the current and future uses of advanced email marketing tactics, trends, reporting measurement and ROI, data, multichannel marketing and the important consideration for delivering mobile experiences and content.
The session highlighted practical down to earth approaches, challenges and opportunities, how to best implement and benefits from doing so. To really cut through the clutter and deliver brand outcomes through powerful relevant customer messages that are delivered, seen, opened, engaged and most importantly being acted on.
The conversation itself didn’t even cover 70% of the topics that were prepared. XCOM and StrongMail are pleased to make the introduction slides and detailed preparation strategic consulting highlight notes for all topics now available exclusively to download.
So if you were able to be at the event, then this takes the conversation and topics further.
If you were unable to attend, then you will get a good feel for the great conversation that occured, and have some solid strategic take away considerations for improving any email marketing program.
Enjoy the research materials and contact us if you would like to discuss anything further, or to understand precisely how XCOM and StrongMail can assist with enhancing your online and email marketing actvities.