
Musings and ramblings of a digital agency.

A Day in the Life of an XCOM Intern

By On April 15 2014 Insights With 0 Comments Permalink

When most people first think of an intern, the image of a young adult running around with coffees and a list of errands for the office comes straight to mind. Not so as an XCOM intern.

From the very first day I was given salient tasks that have taught me skills in all areas of the company and I have loved every minute of it. Having mentors in every department who instantly make you a part of their team and want to help you succeed is a fantastic and rare quality – in my experience it is anyway. Instead of getting everyone else’s coffees, I was offered drinks and lunches with the company’s managers. With a work family like XCOM’s it’s hard not to feel valued.

As I tell people about my job they are always impressed. Studying full time at University and attempting to work 5 days a week is borderline impossible, unless you’re Wonder-woman and don’t enjoy sleeping. At XCOM I have been given the opportunity to experience the practical side of the business on days I am available while attending University and completing my degree. In my eyes I have hit the jackpot.

Typically my day starts off by opening the doors, swiping some fresh fruit from the kitchen bench and walking straight upstairs, saying ‘good morning’ to everyone along the way. As I sit down at my desk and open my Mac, my first duty includes sifting through the many campaign emails and checking to see if I have been assigned tasks for the day. My boss, John, comes straight over to chat and ask whether I am up to date with Game of Thrones before letting me know what needs to be done for the day. With each task I am given, I learn new programs, new software, new ways of doing things and I am always excited by a new challenge and new tasks to sink my teeth into.  In the six weeks I have seen first hand how a marketing campaign is developed, executed and measured. I have worked on the design, management and technical components of digital marketing while having fun and laughing a LOT.

With a dynamic, interesting and supportive group of people, you’re never bored, you’re never alone and you’re never stressed.  While we may have individual duties at our own desks, we eat together, we celebrate birthdays together and we commend success together. To put it simply, you’ll fall in love with working at XCOM.

We’re always interested in meeting new people with new talents, so if you think XCOM is the right place for you, have a look at our Careers page for any openings.